An warware: django tsantsa tsararru daga matrix post

Babban matsalar ita ce Django yana fitar da tsararru daga matrix post a matsayin jerin Python, maimakon a matsayin tsararrun NumPy. Wannan na iya haifar da matsaloli idan kuna buƙatar yin kowane nau'in ayyukan lissafi akan tsararru, saboda ƙirar NumPy sun fi dacewa da irin wannan aikin.

Ina da matrix a cikin shafina na HTML wanda nake aikawa zuwa kallon Django na. Matrix jerin jeri ne, kuma ina so in cire lissafin mutum ɗaya daga bayanan da aka buga. Ta yaya zan iya yin wannan?
Ga abin da nake da shi ya zuwa yanzu:
def myview(request):
if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
form = MyForm(request.POST) # A form bound to the POST data

if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass

# Process the data in form.cleaned_data

return HttpResponseRedirect('/thanks/') # Redirect after POST

form = MyForm() # An unbound form

return render(request, 'mytemplate.html', {'form':form})

In mytemplate.html, Ina da matrix na akwati mai kama da wannan:
<table><tr><td>1,1 <input type="checkbox" name="matrix[0][0]" value="1" /> </td> <td> 1,2 <input type="checkbox" name="matrix[0][1]" value="1" />" </td>" <"td"="" 1,3="" "="" input="" type="checkbox" name=matrix[0][2] value=1 /"" ""="" td="" tr="" table="" xtml-space:"preserve"" xmlns:xtml-space="http://www." w3corg/xml/1998/namespace"" xmlns_w3corg="/xmlns/" xml:"lang=en-us"" lang=en-us"" http://www."" w3corg/1999xhtml"" xmlns_w3corg="/1999/" html:"xmlns=http://www."" w3corg/" lang=en-us""" class="container">2,1 &"nbsp;" 2,2 "nbsp;" 2," 3 "nbsp;" 3," 1 "nbsp;" 3," 2 "nbsp;" 3," 3 "nbsp;" 4," 1 "nbsp;" 4," 2 "nbsp;" 4," 3 "" nbsp ; "" 5 , "" 1 "" nbsp ; "" 5 , "" 2 "" nbsp ; "" 5 , """ 6 ," """ 7 ," """ 8 ," """ 9 ," """ 10 ," """ 11 ," """ 12 ," """ 13 ," """ 14 , "
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